
Hey Everyone, We just wanted to say thank you for even looking at this page. Right now you are able to download the alpha build current version 0.00.4

In this Version, Were only allowing you as the players to test out our new user-interface and widget interactions. We hope that everyone will give crictal feedback and not respond with this (this is garage, ect ) The goal is for our us to take our time and get to the v1.0 as a stable build and not with 400 bugs left and right. We did try to get the mechanics of the gameplay done however they just didnt get done into without to many bugs so were rolling that out later on this week. If anyone is able to give us a critique review back to us on this site that would be swell, we made the game and debugged it however we are all humans and humans make mistakes time and time again.

Files 303 MB
May 07, 2023

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